Disabled Rehabilitation Center, Nepal
Gokarna - 1, Kathmandu, Tel: +977 4800867 , Email: infodrcnepal@gmail.com
Rehabilitation, Reintegration and Respect For Children Who Have A Physical Disability Or Are Extremely Poor.
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Future Goals

Future Goals of DRC

Future Goals

* To expand the services of DRC to the children in its care.
* To continue to build a network of national and international supporters to augment its    finances.
* To continue to the children’s education according to their individual educational needs. Our
Planning in 2017-2018

1. To continue all programmes run in 2017-2018.
2. Launch a physiotherapy programme and provide training for our staff
3. Continue to Increase food quality.
4. Continue to upgrade the children’s living standards.
5. Have a monthly physician check all children health condition.
6. Provide new clothes three times a year.

DRC sends children to different schools everyday, a vehicle for school transport and social outings would be greatly appreciated.